9th Workshop of the European Calcium Society

Mitochondrial Ca2+ Signaling in Health and Disease

Padua | Italy 7-9 September 2023

9th Workshop of the European Calcium Society

Mitochondrial Ca2+ Signaling in Health and Disease

Padua | Italy 7-9 September 2023

9th Workshop of the European Calcium Society

Mitochondrial Ca2+ Signaling in Health and Disease

Padua | Italy 7-9 September 2023


  • Palazzo Bo, Nievo Room





    Welcome by ECS Secretary-General Geert Bultynck (KU Leuven, Belgium)


    “Tullio Pozzan Memorial Lecture” (supported by Cell Calcium)

    Introduction by Paola Pizzo (University of Padua, Italy)

    Anant Parekh (University of Oxford, United Kingdom)

    Mitochondrial regulation of store-operated calcium channels

    Chair: Marisa Brini (University of Padua, Italy)


    Guy Rutter (University of Montreal, Canada)

    Mitochondrial dynamics in pancreatic beta cell function and heterogeneity


    Fabiana Perocchi (Technical University Munich, Germany)

    Unbiased mapping of the MCU interactome reveals MCNR1 as a potential molecular target in cancer


    Amado Carreras Sureda (University of Geneva, Switzerland)

    CaMPARI applied to ion channel genomic interrogation during ER stress


    Tour Palazzo Bo (2 turns, 25 people each)


    Welcome spritz @ Pedrocchi

  • Palazzo Bo, Archivio Antico Room

    Chair: Riccardo Filadi (Neuroscience Institute, Italian National Research Council, Italy)


    Maria Patron (Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing, Cologne, Germany)

    Proteolytic control of mitochondrial Ca2+ signalling


    Israel Sekler (Ben-Gurion University, Israel)

    Physiological roles and mode of regulation of  the mitochondrial Na+/Ca2+ exchanger NCLX


    Cláudia Pereira (University of Coimbra, Portugal)

    Perturbation of ER-mitochondria contacts in mental illness


    Coffee break

    Short communications

    Chair: Nicolas Demaurex (University Geneva, Switzerland)


    Alejandro Marmolejo Garza (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)

    Calcium signaling is impaired in iPSC-derived Alzheimer’s Disease models


    Alex Whitworth (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)

    Partial loss of the mitochondrial calcium uniporter (MCU) mitigates pathology in vivo across a diverse range of neurodegenerative disease models


    Tânia Fernandes (University of Coimbra, Portugal)

    Impaired ER-mitochondria contacts affect lipid droplets degradation in an in vitro Alzheimer's disease model


    Anna Rita Cantelmo (INSERM, Institut Pasteur de Lille, France)

    Single-cell analysis reveals mitochondrial calcium signaling as a novel modulator of endothelial cell plasticity


    Eurobioimaging (sponsor)

    Introduction by Riccardo Filadi (Neuroscience Institute, Italian National Research Council, Italy)

    Micaela Zonta and Michele Gintoli (Neuroscience Institute, Italian National Research Council, Italy)


    Lunch and Posters

    Chair: Jan Parys (KU Leuven, Belgium)


    Patrizia Agostinis (VIB-KU Leuven, Belgium)

    The autophagy-mitochondria metabolism link in lymphangiogenesis


    Amalia Dolga (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)

    Alterations in mitochondrial metabolism and calcium pathways in familial Alzheimer’s disease iPSC-derived neuronal cells and brain organoids


    Mayte Montero (University of Valladolid, Spain)

    Calcium signaling as a new target for ageing and neurodegenerative diseases

    Short communications


    Michael Feng (Helmholtz Munich, Germany)

    Systematic identification of signaling pathways regulating mitochondrial calcium uptake


    Diego de Stefani (University of Padua, Italy)

    Uncovering the functional role of TMEM65 protein in mitochondrial homeostasis


    Tour Palazzo Bo (3rd turn)


    Gala dinner
    Ristorante Antico Brolo
    (Corso Milano, 22 - 35139 Padova )

  • Palazzo Bo, Archivio Antico Room

    Chair: Javier Alvarez (University of Valladolid, Spain)


    Araceli Del Arco (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)

    Ca2+ regulation of neuronal metabolism; role of MCU and Aralar/MAS pathways


    Geert Bultynck (KU Leuven, Belgium)

    Anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 and its network controlling Ca2+ signaling


    Mounia Chami (CNRS UMR-7275, Valbonne, France)

    Mitophagy failure in Alzheimer's disease: a hope for a diagnostic application and therapeutic targeting


    Coffee and Posters

    Short communications

    Chair: Tito Calì (University of Padua, Italy)


    Jan Parys (KU Leuven, Belgium)

    The role of pyruvate kinase M2 in mitochondrial Ca2+ handling and cell death


    Lenka Radonova (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, NC, USA)

    Unmasking the connections: mitochondria-endoplasmic reticulum domains in Ca2+ signaling at fertilization


    Seemanti Aditya (Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India)

    Deciphering the role of PIGBOS1 in cellular calcium homeostasis


    Giulia Dematteis (University Piemonte Orientale, Italy)

    Investigation of the interplay between endoplasmic reticulum-mitochondria distances and mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake


    Lunch and Posters


    Closing Lecture

    Chair: Paola Pizzo (University of Padua, Italy)

    Rosario Rizzuto (University of Padua, Italy)

    MCU and mitoKATP in the inflammatory response


    Group Photo


    Final remarks and prizes

  • The poster's maximum size is 90 x 120 cm (width x height).

    Correct format... poster should be PORTRAIT  poster should NOT be LANDSCAPE Wrong format...

    Posters must be put up on Friday, 8 September, during the first coffee break. They can remain on display for the whole duration of the workshop and must be taken down at the end of the last poster session, on Saturday.

    P.1  Javier Alvarez (Valladolid, Spain)
    Partial knockdown of sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase (SERCA) improves lifespan and healthspan in a rotenone model of Parkinson disease in C. elegans

    P.2  Lucia Barazzuol (Padua, Italy)
    Untangling inter organelle contact dynamics in vivo

    P.3  Emy Basso (Padua, Italy)
    Mild excitotoxic glutamate effect on mitochondrial membrane potential, Ca2+ homeostasis and energy production on hippocampal neurons of an Alzheimer's disease mouse model

    P.4  Marisa Brini (Padua, Italy)
    α-synuclein regulates lysosomes-mitochondria contact sites

    P.5  Manon Callens (Leuven, Belgium)
    Bcl-2-based strategies to target dysregulated Ca2+ signaling as an early event in Alzheimer’s disease

    P.6  Federica De Lazzari (Cambridge, United Kingdom)
    Unravelling the role of mitochondrial calcium homeostasis in Parkinson’s Disease

    P.7  Ian de Ridder (Leuven, Belgium)
    IP3 receptor modulation by anti-apoptotic Bcl-2: impact of disease-related mutations and role of novel interaction partners

    P.8  Hilda Delgado De la Herran (Neuherberg, Germany)
    Systematic and unbiased mapping of the in vitro and in vivo MCU interactome

    P.9  Paloma García Casas (Padua, Italy)
    Dynamic chemogenetic reporters to investigate Ca2+-mediated regulation of organelle contacts

    P.10  Asrat Kahsay (Padua, Italy)
    Potassium-dependent regulation of mitochondrial Ca2+ fluxes and cellular networks

    P.11  Luigi Leanza (Padua, Italy)
    Impaired mitochondrial ATP production downregulates Wnt signaling via ER stress induction

    P.12  Pampa Pain (Padua, Italy)
    The role of mitochondrial cations in the mtDNA release from mitochondria upon inflammation

    P.13  Caterina Peggion (Padua, Italy)
    Regulation of endoplasmic reticulum–mitochondria tethering and Ca2+ fluxes by TDP-43 via GSK3β

    P.14  Elena Poggio (Padua, Italy)
    The Parkinson’s disease-related protein DJ-1 shapes mitochondrial contact sites with other organelles

    P.15  Nelly Redolfi (Padua, Italy)
    Dysfunction of mitochondrial Ca2+ in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease

    P.16  Manuela Santalla (Padua, Italy)
    Novel imaging tools to investigate mitochondrial calcium dynamics

    P.17  Miriana Sbrissa (Padua, Italy)
    Impact of ETC complex I dysfunction on mitochondrial Ca2+ homeostasis

    P.18  Denis Vecellio Reane (Neuherberg, Germany)
    ERALL: a comprehensive protein compendium to characterize endoplasmic reticulum-mitochondrial crosstalk

    P.19  Iga Wasilewska (Warsaw, Poland)
    Lack of Tmbim5 affects response to oxidative stress